Tuesday, July 25, 2006

He is Lord

And again, God is faithful. It took several hours; it took prayer; it took what was for quite a while a very unpleasant situation; but nevertheless there was a breakthrough. Whether the situation as a whole will resolve the way it needs to is yet to be seen, but there has been one major breakthrough, and I trust the Lord with the rest, just as I trusted Him with this. I'm grateful that He used me, even with my weaknesses and my flaws in the midst of this, to help accomplish the work He needs to. As Godly counsel is pursued, His wisdom will become clear - and now the ears are opened to hear it. I pray now for strength to follow through if (when) they hear what they don't want to.

Thank you all for praying, as always. Grace and peace be with you in Him.

- Chris

1 comment:

  1. He is Lord indeed.
    In my old church we use to sing a hymn...
    "..He is Lord, He is Lord, He is risen from the dead and He is Lord.."
    I miss those old hymns sometimes!


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