It appears that North Korea has (as long threatened) tested a nuclear warhead. The world is a different place than it was three hours ago. The country is led by a veritable madman; it has an inferiority complex, particularly as compared to its far wealthier southern neighbor and counterpart; and it has ties to terrorist organizations around the world.
Pray. Pray for wisdom for our leaders. Pray for reason to prevail - against both hysteria and underestimation of this situation. And don't forget that God is God. This doesn't surprise Him, and He is ultimately still in control of the world.
Peace be with all of you.
- Chris
Pray. Pray for wisdom for our leaders. Pray for reason to prevail - against both hysteria and underestimation of this situation. And don't forget that God is God. This doesn't surprise Him, and He is ultimately still in control of the world.
Peace be with all of you.
- Chris
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