Saturday, January 20, 2007

My current life in brief

Blast. I just lost this post completely in a small crash. *sigh* Lovely. Well, I guess I'm starting over. This post is going to be a good deal shorter than the last one - and I apologize again for how long it was, though I do hope it proves edifying to someone, somewhere, at some point. Before my browser crashed, I was describing this semester's schedule. I'm taking six classes: Quantum Mechanics I, Physical Mechanics I, R.A. Training, Musical Structures IV, Music Composition Lesson, and International Relations in the Middle East. That last class is probably going to be my favorite, I think; certainly it is thus far, though we've only met once to date. That, along with some of the points I raised in my post a week or so ago, is further lending credence to the notion that God is probably going to call me somewhere besides a relatively comfortable professorship here in the United States.

Even beyond the different things He's gifted me in, I'm increasingly finding myself desiring and passionate about the world beyond the shores of America, and caring more and more deeply for the lost and for their desperate need to hear the gospel of Jesus Christ. I don't know exactly what any of that looks like, at this point, of course, and I really don't need to. As Dr. Strauss pointed out in conversation with me yesterday, God will not hold back His wisdom from me as I ask Him for it; nor does He from any of us. Rather, as we continue to pursue His will and to pursue holiness, He makes clear the way before us. It's His word that's a lamp for our feet and a light for our path. In His good time, I'll know where to go. And that's true of every single area of my life, not just my "career" path.

In addition to the classes I'll be taking - all of which are proving to be rather homework intensive, much more so than in semesters past - I'll probably be working 15-20 hours every week. Given the combination of work and school, this semester is, I suspect, going to be an exercise in time management and a training ground for the future. I know God has grace and wisdom for me in how to walk this out, so I'm very much excited to see what it looks like, though I also must admit to a certain amount of intimidation that I'm having to overcome. Certainly discipline is high on the list of, well, disciplines to be learned in the coming months.

Above all, I am confident that He'll be glorified in all that I go through, and I rejoice to have that assurance. Grace and peace be with all of you, as always.

- Chris


  1. I liked your blog. Such depth and desire for God that I honestly did not know existed anymore in the college campuses and more so, in the heart of a young man. One thing I do know that the word of the Lord exhorts us to committ our ways to the Lord and He will direct our paths. Continue praying and walking the path that you are, when time comes to change course, you will know and there will be no trouble in your heart because God is not the author of confusion.I have learnt that in the process of discovering my purpose, I should not stop and wait to see where I should be going, but rather I make each step, a step of faith and have full confidence that God will lead me in the way I should go.I am encouraged to know that there are young men out there who have a passion for God and have a zeal to know Him more. God bless you.

  2. Thank you! It's a huge blessing to hear that kind of encouragement, and it can be much needed at times. I very much appreciate the words of wisdom, as well. I think it's so easy to forget Proverbs 3:5-6, even though they - along with, well, pretty much all of Psalm 119 - should be our guides in every season of our life for how to deal with hard questions. The reminder of where our direction comes from was a huge blessing, so thank you.

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