Saturday, April 28, 2007

I could use some prayer...

I'm asking for your prayers. For many things, most of which I won't go into here. But one that I would appreciate your intercession for...

Today is my 105th consecutive day with a headache. That's every single day this semester and for a week before it. Today is also the third consecutive day I have had a migraine, and fifth day out of the last seven that I have. I am very tired. I am more than willing to continue to persevere if God so wills it; I do, however, need your prayers for strengthening.

What amazes me is the grace God has given me. This is such a testimony - that, in the midst of dealing with these headaches so continuously, His will is still being accomplished in my life, His glory becoming ever more clear to me. He has even blessed me scholastically in ways I do not deserve this semester, and He has kept me in spite of the frequent difficulty of focusing through the pain. I am in awe of His grace and His goodness and His mighty working in my life - at times through these very headaches as He has used them to teach me reliance on Him alone.

I am somewhat frustrated because of the difficulty of getting in to see my doctor right now. Things have been delayed because of insurance, schedule conflicts, etc. I was supposed to have an appointment this coming Monday morning, but my doctor will not be able to be in the office... so I don't know when it will be. I hope it's soon. In the meantime, there is simply more opportunity to praise the God of gods, the King of all who has been so immensely faithful in this time. I know He has a purpose for this, and I'm extremely excited to see the outworking of that in my life.

So I ask for your prayers, because I need them, but I also hope that the testimony of all God is doing in the midst of this circumstance is an encouragement to you. God bless you all, and may His peace keep your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus!

- Chris


  1. Dear God, I lift Chris up to You and lay Him in Your healing arms of gentle love. Cover Him, Lord. May Your healing and peace and strength flow all over and in and through him. Part the waters with this doctor appt and make it happen immediately. Fill this physician with Your wisdom and knowledge and discernment and discretion and accuracy. Only You know the whole truth; please reveal Your truth to Chris through this doctor. Surround Chris with everything and everyone he needs and more. I ask Lord that You would heal Chris completely, and take this chronic pain away. I know You can heal Chris if it is Your will. May Your sovereignty rule over all and may everything bring glory and honor to You alone. I love You, God, Ame

  2. Thank you both, and Amen to that prayer. God bless.

  3. All I can say is just persevere and if needed, take a day off or so. My mom gets chronic headaches and some migraines. It's been going on for the past few years. There are times where it got so bad that she end up missing work for a week. Of course, that doesn't come to that very often but still. This is my tip for the day. .2 cents worth. You'll be in my prayers


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