Monday, February 18, 2008

Another Valentine's day

My dad is amazing. I learn so much from him - about following God, about truly being a man, about what it will mean to be a husband and father. He's a good one, and getting better at both. I love him a lot.

His post about his Valentine's day nearly made me cry... so many answers to prayers I've prayed for my parents in that one day, so much that God is restoring and renewing and making better than it had ever been in their marriage!

I am blessed to watch it, blessed to be their son.

- Chris


  1. HIS post didn't make me cry, but this one is. What an incredible, incredible, incredible gift your dad is giving you; I cannot even begin to fathom. May you remain humble and always aware of your humanity. May you find in your dad hope to hold and store for the days which will surely come when you will need to run and open that box. May you find joy and delight as you watch your parents love each other with beautiful love. Chris, you have been blessed, my friend. To whom much has been given, much will be required.

  2. Thank you for the kind words.
    You've helped and continue to help me be a better man and father.

    And believe it or not, your budding relationship with your girlfriend, helped me to remember those days long past (yesteryear) when your mom and I were dating.


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