Thursday, June 12, 2008


A few thoughts I'll leave you with before what is likely to be a three day absence, as I'm taking a trip to Ft. Worth to visit Jaimie and her family (huzzah!).

It is good to discipline our bodies: to work at being in good shape, to spend time exercising. The exercise of our body is good for our mind, as well.

It is good to exercise our minds in ways that are perhaps not as natural as once they were. An essay on The Atlantic commented at some length on the ways in which the Internet is changing not only how we function externally in relation to information, but how it affects even the way our minds think and work. It's an important piece of writing; I recommend that you take the time to read through all of it.

I also recommend that you then take time to read at least one truly good book this summer: a great work of literature, or one of the classics of the Christian faith. You can draw on any you like, but a good place to start might be The Point's 2008 Summer Reading List. Books that challenge you, build up your mind, and force you to think are good for you, and we don't read enough of them. More than that: set aside time to work on whatever book you're reading in great big chunks, and take time to think about it. Letting a work of literature percolate through your mind is nearly as important as the reading itself is.

Swordfighting is good exercise.

The pursuit of God is the pursuit of the greatest joy and glory conceivable.

There are few things in this world fighting for. A life with purpose and meaning is one of them. A life with joy and passion, too. None of the things worth fighting for can be found without God.

Take some time to actively listen to some good music this summer: not merely to hear it as you do something else, but to sit quietly and listen to music. Learn to appreciate classical music: it's an acquired skill, not something that comes naturally to everyone, but well worth your time. I highly recommend the works of Arvo Pärt if you want God-glorifying modern classical music. Again, it may take some effort to appreciate, but it's well worth your time.

As I've written before: beauty requires work, both in creation and appreciation. But all good things in life are thus; why should beauty be any different?

May the grace and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ comfort, sustain, and uphold you; may the glory of His name consume you!

- Chris


  1. God advice. Working on all of those things.

    I love listening to Arvo Parte!

    Often I put it on the the prayer room when I am doing my prayers, especially the art prayers.

    I even played a little of it to some middle school students as an example of muscial diversity that is healthy for them. (I sampled quite a few... they had never heard many of the types of music I played.)

    Take care of yourself.


  2. got the link changed, my TWENTY-ONE YEAR OLD friend!!! :)

    will be back to catch up on reading ... amazing how much time you have with Jaimie in FW ;)


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