Monday, July 14, 2008


A short but important life lesson:

I spent about four hours attempting to troubleshoot a problem in a piece of code I'm writing for the research I'm doing. Not even a terribly important piece of code (though understanding how it works is important). And then today I walked up to a professor who knows his way around Fortran and the problem was solved inside of five minutes.

Far too often we're afraid to ask for help - especially from those who are best able to give it: parents, mentors, and so on. Why? Usually it's a stubborn brand of pride: we want to prove that we can figure this out, we can do it ourselves. But we were not made to function that way - we were made to function in community. God has given us the body of Christ for a reason: because we need each other, and there is wisdom in others that we do not (cannot!) have in ourselves.

And that's particularly important to remember when troubleshooting. When dealing with sin, when working through conflicts, when struggling with the travails of life - when troubleshooting - never dare to do it alone. Do it in community as we are commanded.

- Chris

1 comment:

  1. Great observation about programming and body life.
    WRT programming, it is quite often very beneficial to spend time trying to figure things out on your own to help you learn things about the language you are using. On the other hand though, if you end up spending so much time on it that you fail to be productive, it becomes a hinderance. Often, as you discovered, another person's eyes on the problem can quickly help clear up the mystery. Why? Because they quite often simply see from a different and not so involved perspective. - Pretty much like how life works, and how body life is supposed to work if we let it.


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