Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Quick update

I am currently working on the final post in a series on divorce and remarriage at Pillar on the Rock. PJ has laid out the doctrinal basis of our views, and I will cover the practical application of views. That post will hopefully go live on Thursday. I hope you'll take a look and leave your thoughts on what he has written so far, as well as on my own post later this week. I believe this is one of the most challenging issues to deal with in the church, and so these are important posts.

I have three posts sitting in the tank for this blog. One of those will probably go up sometime tomorrow, and the others will probably wait for early next week, since I will be in Colorado Springs to celebrate my youngest sister's graduation over the long weekend. I am so proud of her—she has done very well, not only scholastically but personally in high school, and she is very quickly becoming a very admirable woman of God.

For now, I am going to get back to writing this Pillar post, enjoy dinner with my beautiful wife, and then spend time in fellowship and Bible study with our community group. May God bless you richly with the knowledge of His son!

1 comment:

  1. I'm a little jealous and wish Chase and I could have joined you both for dinner, community group, and maybe even an old-fashioned air mattress sleepover in our old room. :) We love you guys, miss you a lot, and can't wait to see you this summer!


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