A simple post, tonight: a few blogs to recommend:
My friend Britt Clay, a blog on his life that is often filled with wisdom from all that God is teaching him. He's a great guy, and I've been honored to invest in his life this past year.
Acts 20:22-24
His girlfriend, Lauren, who is one of the Godliest women her age I have the pleasure of knowing.
His Footprints Lead The Way...
My friend and another man I've had the privilege to invest in over the last couple years, Stephen Carradini. Look for a dry wit, amusing humor, and uncanny insight, as well as really good writing.
The World is a Moving Target (so I am always in motion)
My friend Clayton Canon, who I was blessed to serve alongside on the Walker Ministry Team last year, through thick and thin. A Godly man walking through some hard situations with considerable integrity!
"Here on purpose, for a purpose!"
And one of my best friends in all the world, Levi Wall. We've known each other all our lives, and he has been a steadfast encouragement to me in ways I can't even describe, much less give sufficient thanks to God for.
Winds of Heaven, Stuff of Earth
I hope you are blessed, encouraged, and amused by these blogs as I have been.
Grace and peace be with you!
- Chris
My friend Britt Clay, a blog on his life that is often filled with wisdom from all that God is teaching him. He's a great guy, and I've been honored to invest in his life this past year.
Acts 20:22-24
His girlfriend, Lauren, who is one of the Godliest women her age I have the pleasure of knowing.
His Footprints Lead The Way...
My friend and another man I've had the privilege to invest in over the last couple years, Stephen Carradini. Look for a dry wit, amusing humor, and uncanny insight, as well as really good writing.
The World is a Moving Target (so I am always in motion)
My friend Clayton Canon, who I was blessed to serve alongside on the Walker Ministry Team last year, through thick and thin. A Godly man walking through some hard situations with considerable integrity!
"Here on purpose, for a purpose!"
And one of my best friends in all the world, Levi Wall. We've known each other all our lives, and he has been a steadfast encouragement to me in ways I can't even describe, much less give sufficient thanks to God for.
Winds of Heaven, Stuff of Earth
I hope you are blessed, encouraged, and amused by these blogs as I have been.
Grace and peace be with you!
- Chris
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