Saturday, May 24, 2008


Jaimie says I sound weird after midnight. (I'm just putting this because she didn't actually say it.) And now she promises revenge. Journalists get revenge, she says...

I have a job! God has provided in an incredibly amazing way. I'm going to be getting paid for the research that I was going to be doing anyway. The Physics Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) at OU had an opening, and I'm going to still be doing the biophysics research that I was going to be doing. I'm excited, incredibly excited.

It's amazing how God has worked. I had two job offers for very good jobs - two jobs that were one detail off from being workable, and the provision is so much better than it would have been in those jobs. I'm not exaggerating when I say I'll get paid four times more in this job than I would have in either of those. God is good!

- Chris


  1. Journalists get revenge, eh?
    I hadn't heard that one before.
    Guess your mom has been keeping that a secret, 'cause she graduated from the School of Journalism at CU.
    Anyway, I'm glad to know she can keep you in line. :P

  2. I don't know that journalists get revenge... I'll have to think about that...


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