Friday, March 16, 2007

Read this!

Please read this article; I believe it will be a blessing and an encouragement to all of you. Continue to pray for men and women to stand up as Ted Harvey did a few years ago - and that God would reward him for his faithfulness. We need more people like that!

- Chris

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the post. It's just too amazing. God does use things that seemed foolish to shame the "professed" wise for God will be glorified. The name Planned Parenthood doesn't seem to fit well with what they really do for people anyway. Don't mean to be hard on that statement but I just can't understand what gives anyone a right to decide which life is worth more like anyone really has the criteria to do that. When will humanity stop being such control freaks? It's just sad. Hehehe, I need to stop talking now for I'm doing hw and among other things.


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