Tuesday, January 9, 2007

And the gospel goes forth in power!

The Boundless Line today has been provoking a lot of thought for me today, but one post by Ted Slater particularly caught my attention. The gospel is spreading like wildfire in the Middle East, including in some of the countries most hostile to Christianity - and in some miraculous ways. This is, for me at least, very much an encouragement, as I've been praying for revival in the Middle East for several years now.

I was encouraged to read lately that there's revival taking place among Muslims in the Middle East.

SVM News quotes author and Middle East expert Joel C. Rosenberg:

"More Muslims converted to faith in Jesus Christ over the past decade than at any other time in human history. A spiritual revolution is underway throughout North Africa, the Middle East, and Central Asia."

You can find the blog entry here, and the full text of the original article here.

I pray you're all encouraged and edified by this. Keep praying for our brethren there; keep giving - yes, even sacrificially - for the cause of the advancement of the gospel; and keep seeking the Lord's will as to whether you should go. I certainly am.

- Chris

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