Friday, February 22, 2008

Bondage of choices

Mark Dever of Capitol Hill Baptist Church wrote an interesting blog (quick read) a couple days ago about the bondage we can find ourselves in to needing subjective "senses" of where God is leading us.

I do believe that God's Spirit will sometimes lead us subjectively. So, for instance, I am choosing to spend my life here on Capitol Hill because my wife & I sensed in 1993 that that is what God wanted us to do. However, I realized then (and now) that I could be wrong about that supposition. Scripture is NEVER wrong. I was free in 1993 to stay in England, or teach at a seminary, either of which would have been delightful opportunities. I understand that I was free to make those choices. But I chose, consulting Scripture, friends, wisdom, and my own subjective sense of the Lord's will, to come to DC. And even if I were wrong about that, I had (and have) that freedom in Christ to act in a way that is not sin. And I understand my pastoring here not to be sin. So I am free. Regardless of the sense of leading I had.

Interesting thoughts, and worth reading through the rest of the blog - don't worry, it's short (especially compared to mine!).

- Chris


  1. I found your blog through your dad's...whom I found through Ame...whom I found through martie's! I just had to comment when I saw in your profile that you enjoy working Physics problems. I have a daughter (18) who is having a tough time with her Physics class (taught through IDL). She was co-valedictorian of her class until the dreaded Physics came along. Her 4.0 dropped to a 3.98 because she ended up getting an 88% in that class. So close! We're just over the state line in you do any tutoring?! ha ha

    My oldest brother (now in his 50's) is also a musician. Another thing that brought me here.

    You sound like a grounded, wonderful young man. Blessings to you!

  2. Thank you for your prayers Chris. glad to know you are walking beside me.

    Love, CS


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