Monday, February 25, 2008


Facts for your consumption:

I am tired.

I will be more tired by week's end.

The previous two facts do not distress me.

My emotions are significantly distressed, to my consternation and amusement.

This, too, does not significantly distress me, despite the urge to cry several times today.

This point amuses me.

All of these points are subsumed by the realization that God's grace is more than sufficient to meet me in what is really very much a trivial thing. This week shall pass, and on the other side, I shall have a deeper walk with my King, my Savior, my Treasure; and I shall have another testimony to the ways in which God's power is perfected in weakness.

I am grateful to God for good friends who uplift my heart, and the men I disciple who encourage me by their growth in faith, and Chris Goree for his wisdom and teaching for me, and an amazing girlfriend who has encouraged me immensely (more than I could have imagined) these last days. I'm most of all grateful to God for saving me in Christ Jesus.

Grace and peace be with you all.

- Chris


  1. Praying for God's continued peace and grace for you.
    There is a lot going on all around right now. Spiritual battles abound at this moment. Press in with all that you have and continue to seek the wisdom from above.
    Our God prevails!

    I love you. -- Papa

  2. It really must have been quite the week since we haven't heard much from you.
    Hope you're doing ok.


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