Monday, March 24, 2008

Ooh! Ahh! Amazing!

I simply must recommend you to my new favorite website. My dear friend Laurie Goree showed me this site while we were at Glorieta, and I am terribly excited by the possibilities it opens up.

My friends, you must check out

More particularly, you must look at the online Bible they have there. Some of the coolest features I know of on any Bible study website.

Want to study a particular verse in the original language? Click on the link at the start of the verse and you'll have multiple translations, and the original Hebrew and/or Greek immediately on hand. Want to find all occurrences of a word in Scripture? Double click it. Want to see background notes on particular translation issues? They're right at the bottom of the screen. Want to see an outline of the book you're reading? It's there on the right side of the screen.

And the rest of the website has some great tools available as well - examples, illustrations, etc. I can't recommend the site highly enough. Between this and Bible Gateway, I'm pretty well set.

(That's not to say that I'm not looking forward to a full release of Logos for Mac, though!)

God's grace be with you.

- Chris

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