Saturday, February 17, 2007


God is faithful. And I need to trust Him more. I already knew that, but He made it even more clear. I'm not under nearly as much crunch as I thought I was. I already paid one of those bills. I just didn't know it. So, while I still need some money, and relatively soon... God's faithfulness is greater than I knew, and His provision sufficient. Amazing how that works, isn't it? I had to come to a place of surrender about a lot of things first, though. It was very good for me to have all this seem to be a problem, odd as that might sound. Because it forced me to relinquish control over all of this. And, in talking to my dad today, it really clicked with me: this is why people struggle with tithing. Because sometimes, you don't think you have enough to give and to still pay all your bills. But really, if you give first and foremost to God, He does supply all your needs. And so long as you're honoring Him with your financial decisions in the first place, you will not lack. (Anyone who doesn't believe me, go look up George Muller and see how mightily God met his every need!) Anyway, that's about all for tonight for me. God bless you all. Rest in the knowledge that He is God, and that He is faithful, and that He is trustworthy!

- Chris


  1. chris, as i read these two posts, i cannot help but think of the verse that says He who finds us faithful with a few things will find us faithful with many things. Your dad is a wise man, and you are wise to go to him.

    right now, it's just you. when you marry, it will be you and your wife ... and you will still need to pay the bills ... and your heart will be so much more burdened because of the role as head of your household and the love you have for your wife.

    you are now being faithful with the little things.

    and someday when you have children ... you will still have bills to pay ... and one will be sick ... and you will need to take them to the doctor ... and the gas to go ...

    but you are now being faithful with the little things ...

    and your child's friend will have parents who are in need ... and you still have your own wife and children to care for ... and your child will come to you, "Daddy! My friend's family is in need!"

    and you have been faithful with the few things ...

    and God will find you faithful with the big things.

    (btw - i think the focus on the family institute would be a great thing for you!!! i have been watching them since its inception, and i am very impressed with the whole institute and how they run it and what and how they teach.)

  2. Thanks, Ame. The encouragement and the reminder is a blessing! It's easy to get stuck on the present without seeing the bigger picture of what God is working here and now. It's not just about the here and now. I've no doubt God will use this lesson in the future, for me personally and for a testimony to others.

    FFI is something I've thought about for a long time. I'm not sure how it would work financially, but if God wills it, well... what can I say but, "He'll provide!" I have to smile as I write that. I've had good contact with people who've gone through there. Growing up in Colorado Springs, we had some interns from there with our high school FCA group, with whom I interacted a lot, since I was one of the leaders. I was impressed then, and now I just need to pray and see if that's where God's leading - and if so, get moving, since the deadline's coming up soon!


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