Wednesday, February 21, 2007


Right now, I'm really tired, and I'm really frustrated, and honestly at an emotional level, I just want to find somewhere to go cry. Various things have contributed to that; some of it is simply an emotional low, and that's fine. I know my God, I know my Savior, I know the One who loves me like no other.

You alone
You alone are strong
You alone are safe
You alone never change
You alone love me with true love
You alone

When I'm tired and weary
When my heart is heavy in me
When my frustrations seem greater even than the mighty things I see you do
Then I remember that

You alone
You alone are strong
You alone are safe
You alone never change
You alone love me with true love
You alone

So I will love You too
And I will set my eyes on You
Not on these earthly things
Nor on these passing deeds
Nor indeed on anything I see
Because I know that

You alone
You alone are strong
You alone are safe
You alone never change
You alone love me with true love
You alone

I am choosing joy even in weariness, peace even in frustration. My God is great enough to supply my every need - and that means emotional needs, too. Thanks be to the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords, who has not left us alone, but grants us Himself as Comforter to walk with us and hold us all our days. Grace be with you all.

- Chris


  1. sounds like you could use sometime out - hiking, raquetball, something to kinda "beat" out the frustration - something outside always seems best.

    very sorry - these days are like volcanos, aren't they.

  2. Chris,

    I will be praying for you. Seems like this semester/year has been very turbulent emotionally.

    When I am feeling emotionally stressed frequently, I have to go back and look to see if I am taking care of myself in all areas. Am I spending time with the Lord? Am I eating right? Am I getting enough sleep? Am I getting some exercise? Am I getting some fun? Many times I am overwrought emotionally because something else is out of whack.
    I love you, Mom


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